

Some filler stuff while I get my head on straight:

I'm not exactly a musician, however I do have a junky collection of instruments and recording equipment that I use to make some songs with. Almost all of the stuff I make is done in half an hour for a bunch of music challenges I do each year (particularly FAWM). This page used to list the links to that material but to be completely honest I'm embarrassed by it, so if you really want to listen to it you're more than welcome to stalk it out by your own means.

I've used both Bridge Control and my actual name as my musical moniker since I was about 13. Starting July 2018, I've decided to focus a little less on quickfire songs for challenges and devote more time to making complete songs that I'm proud of and would listen to. So far the music I've made isn't really the kind of music I want to make. I'm angling for a proper release soon.

These days I hang out and help out in other places. I'll update this page as soon as I have my little EP thing ready.