

Hello! I'm Jess, and this is my personal site for personal things. Which is in contrast to a, er, non-personal site for non-personal things. I crafted it lovingly with my own hands. On a keyboard.

I'm an Ontario, Canada (though originally from the UK) based music, art, and word-liker but I'm not a musician, artist, or writer by any stretch. Give it twenty years and I might qualify. For now, though, I just enjoy from a distance and do what I can when I can.

Things that matter to me: secularism, left-wing politics (where on the spectrum? It's something I'm purposely ambiguous about, although it contains an 'M' and an 'L'), cats, extreme weather and the sirens that go with them, and medical scanners.

Things that don't matter to me: Blink-182 (sorry, I could never get the hype), hot dog meat, and that's about it.

If there are any problems with the site in terms of accessibility or browser scaling or really anything at all, please contact me so I can make improvements (head on over to 'Links & Contact', dude).